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Weinstein Bath & Kitchen Showroom – Enjoy a Steamy Spa Experience with the Kohler Invigoration Steam Generators

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steam-bathAs one of the premiere bath and kitchen design showrooms in Philadelphia, Weinstein Bath & Kitchen Showroom is proud to bring you the latest in home improvement technologies that are more than just beautiful, but healthy!

The benefits of steam in a person’s life have been known since ancient times, with a personal steam spa being a luxury enjoyed by few. Now, you can transform your bathroom into your own personal steam spa. The Kohler Invigoration series of steam generators come in a variety of sizes and capacities, each bringing the natural pleasures of steam to your Philadelphia home.

The eco-friendly system only uses one gallon of water per 20-minute session and has many customizable options like SoundTile speakers, and the system can be paired with Kohler’s DTV+ digital showering system for further customization.

Frequent steam baths can…

Promote healthier skin. The sweat brought about by a steam bath grabs any toxins or impurities in your skin, bringing them to the surface where they are easily washed off. You get softer, smoother skin without the use of chemicals or other harsh methods.

Speed up weight loss. Water retention can add several pounds to the body. Steam saunas can remove this excess water, improving efforts to lose weight.

Inspire better blood flow. Hot steam dilates your blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more easily throughout your body.  Steam also relaxes your muscles, relieving tension, and the painful lactic acid buildup within them that comes from overwork.

Improve immune system functioning. When the body is in an environment above normal body temperature, the body reacts in the same way as a fever – the immune system kicks in, attacking microbial invaders with extra force, while the added heat helps eliminate them as well.

Bring easy breathing. Steam has long been known as one of the best and most natural ways of easing congestion, allergies, and other impediments to natural breathing. The hot steam opens your nose and throat, clearing out blockages.

Eliminate Stress.  Whether you are beginning the day in the best way possible, or relaxing after a long day of work, your own personal Kohler steam room is an amazing way to stay calm and stress-free.

Only the Best from Weinstein Bath & Kitchen Showroom in Collegeville

The Kohler Invigoration line of steam generators is only one of the many great fixtures we feature at our bath and kitchen design showrooms in Philadelphia.  Every product is hand-picked to be beautiful and functional, a perfect accompaniment to your modern lifestyle.

For more information, drop by our showroom, or contact us with your questions!