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Weinstein’s Small Bathroom Storage Solutions Will Help Make Your Lavatory Seem Big & Beautiful

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According to real estate agents, the bathroom is one of the most looked at rooms in the home; unfortunately it is also usually one of the smallest. Therefore, when renovating a home’s bathroom,  plumbers, contractors, and homeowners have to find ways to make the bathroom seem bigger, regardless of its actual dimensions.

Create a bathroom that home buyers will pay extra for:

Weinstein Bath & Kitchen showroom in Collegeville offers renovators the following small bathroom storage solutions:small bathroom storage solutions from weinstein showroom

  • Install small vanities that are approximately 18 inches across
  • Use Fairmont, Dickson, Ronbow, and Robern vanities as they have a wide range of beautiful vanities designed specially for small spaces
  • Take advantage of vertical cabinetry and other elements; using the “air” space will leverage the rest of the bathroom space

Simple bathroom storage solutions can make the different between a gorgeously appointed,  bathroom and one that appears to be cluttered and messy.

Weinstein’s small bathroom storage solutions will help you organize your bathroom and make the space a more comfortable and workable area. For ideas on how to upgrade your small bathroom, contact Weinstein Bath and Kitchen Showroom in Collegeville today by visiting or calling (610) 409-8500.